질문: 12학년 졸업 후 community college로 갔다 4년제 대학으로
편입하려 하는데요... 고등학교 졸업자로서 인정 받을 수 있는지..
--> 당연히 12학년을 마치면, 졸업장이 나오며 졸업자로서 인정을 받게 됩니다.
1) 고등학교 2년만 다녀도 고등학교 졸업자격으로 인정 받는지...아니면
어떤 시험을 봐야 하는지? 일부 2년제 칼리쥐에서 조건부로 받아주기도 하지만, 아시다시피, 고등학교 2년만 다니고선, 졸업자격을 갖추진 못합니다. 입학시에, 고등학교 성적증명서 제출을 요구받기 때문입니다.
2) community college로 가서 2년 공부하고 편입하는데 문제는 없는지?
졸업처리가 안되면, 입학가능한 칼리쥐를 찾아보고, 조건부로 입학이 가능하기도 합니다만, 어느정도 영어와 수학실력이 바쳐줘야 합니다. 다만 2년제 칼리지를 졸업하고, 4년제 대학으로 편입할 때에, 고등학교 성적증명서와 SAT를 요구하는 대학도 있으니, 참고하시길 바랍니다. 명문대학일수록 거의 신입학과 동일한 서류를 요구합니다.
3) 차라리 12학년 도중에 GED를 보고 community college로 가는게 더
GED는 만 18세 이상이 되어야 시험 자격이 됩니다.
또한, 영어와 수학, 과학등의 지식이 있는 학생이라야 합격이 가능하기도 합니다.
GED 를 대신한 시험도 있으니 고려하길 바랍니다.
The California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) is a testing program established by California law (Education Code Section 48412). If eligible to take the test, you can earn the legal equivalent of a high school diploma by passing the CHSPE. The CHSPE consists of two sections: an English-language Arts section and a Mathematics section. If you pass both sections of the CHSPE, the California State Board of Education will award you a Certificate of Proficiency, which by state law is equivalent to a high school diploma (although not equivalent to completing all coursework required for regular graduation from high school). Although federal agencies are not bound by state laws, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management has ruled that the Certificate of Proficiency shall be accepted in applications for federal civilian employment. The U.S. Department of Education, including the Federal Student Aid Office, recognizes the CHSPE as the equivalent of a high school diploma in applications for federal financial aid. All persons and institutions subject to California law that require a high school diploma for any purpose must accept the certificate as satisfying the requirement.
Passing the CHSPE does not, by itself, exempt minors from attending school. Minors who have a Certificate of Proficiency must also have verified parent/guardian permission to stop attending school. Many students who pass the CHSPE continue to attend school. State law provides that, if you leave school after passing the CHSPE and are no more than 18 years old, you may reenroll in the district in which you were registered with no adverse consequences. If you do reenroll you may be required to meet new or additional requirements established since you were previously enrolled. If you reenroll and then leave school again, you may be denied re-admittance until the beginning of the following semester. Contact your guidance counselor or school administrator for further information and details about leaving school after passing the CHSPE.
Dropping out of school after registering for the CHSPE or while awaiting results is unlawful for those under 18 years old. It may also result in failing grades for courses in which you are enrolled.