Q.남아있는 Lease
작성일12/22/2014 7:02:23 PM
5년리스에 일년 7개월남았읍니다 빌딩안가게입니다 인컴이바닥이라 한달전에 빌딩office에e-mail보냈읍니다 남아있는 리스때문에 그만두지도 계속하지도 못할입장이라고 우리생계 가달려있다고했습니다.문제는 빌딩안에있는 메인오피스가 1년전에 부도가나서 사람들 점점 줄었기 때문입니다.어제 오피스에서 이런 이메일 왔읍니다어떤내용인지 이해하지 못해 도움을 청합니다. 영어 해석을 부탁드립니다
1.Year-end financial statements for the two most recent fiscalㅣ years including an Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows, and Notes to the financial statements.
2.Year-to-date P&L and Balance Sheet, understanding that it is not yet final.
3.Recently prepared cash flow projections indicating sources and uses of funds for the next year.
4.Copy of business plan or other documents summarizing the restructure plan to create a viable business entity.
5.Summary of major debt obligations including related-party loans and revolving line(s) of credit. Summary should describe: (1) the current principal balance, (2) interest rate, (3) final due date, (4) default status, (5) available borrowing, and (6) required monthly payment.
6.Breakdown of general and administrative costs including occupancy costs.