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Q.이.미용 커미션제

지역California 아이디w**jdtns0****
조회1,394 공감0 작성일1/2/2018 10:44:56 PM

이.미용커미션제 의 글을 오늘 읽었는데요

네일.눈섭타투.스킨.눈섭익스텐션등에도 해당된다는 것도

확실한 건가요??

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

김해원 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 1/3/2018 10:25:22 PM
법안이 아래와 같습니다.네일.눈섭타투.스킨.눈섭익스텐션 분야 종업원이 any employee who is licensed under the Barbering and Cosmetology Act인지 아닌지 여부에 달려있습니다.

This bill would require commission wages paid to any employee who is licensed under the Barbering and Cosmetology Act to be due and payable at least twice during each calendar month on a day designated in advance by the employer as the regular payday and would authorize the employee and employer to agree to a commission in addition to the base hourly rate. The bill would provide that commission wages are wages paid to an employee who is licensed under that act for providing services for which a license is required when paid as a percentage or a flat sum portion of the sums paid to the employee by the client receiving the service, and for selling goods, provided that the employee is paid a regular base hourly rate of at least 2 times the state minimum wage rate in addition to commissions paid. The bill would specify that the employee may be compensated for rest and recovery periods at a rate of pay not less than the employee’s regular base hourly rate. By expanding the scope of an existing crime, this bill would result in a state-mandated local program.

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