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Q.Sharing own Land

지역Washington 아이디r**chun****
조회677 공감0 작성일7/17/2011 4:22:51 PM
We,3people,are share owning one land as a tennants in common, that land is carrying mortgage so we collect 3checks every month(following our sharing agreement ; person1 50%check, person2 30%check, person3 20%check) and making payment everymonth.
Now person3 is not making a payment of his portion of 20%.
So person1 & person2 is taking care & making payment which means person1 60%, person2 40% writing check now.

Q1.What kind of docs.is needed between person1 and person2 to do fixing 6:4 sharing because person1 taking half of 20% and person2 do too.

Q2.Person3 is disappeared, so can not get him sign on quit claim deed or something like that. What do we need to exclude person3 out of ownership.
We have signed agreements like following “anyone is in default, that anyone will lose his ownership without reimbursement and will be excluded from his ownership regardless of any required legal procedures”

I appreciate your considerations.

* 등록된 총 답변수 0개입니다. 첫번째 답변을 달아주세요.

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