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Q.Annual Review & raise

지역California 아이디v**11****
조회1,020 공감0 작성일11/15/2012 11:16:20 AM

My Annual Evaluation review is behind about 6 months now.
It's a corporation but the management is not quite professional and it seems to a habit of my Mgr to be late on Annual Review & about raise.

My HR dept retroactively compensates upto only 1 month of pay.

My Mgr is young & inexperienced and rude and does not have proper guidance.

In order to retrieve all my unpaid raise compensation retroactively, how should I deliver the message.

In case, mgr does not handle the matter properly (in case) and compensate properly, what are the actions I can against the company or the Mgr??

Please advise.
In peace but concerned because I may have to change my work since this company looks highlyl un-organized in different ways.

Best regards,

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
t**inr**** 님 답변 답변일 11/15/2012 11:35:56 AM
I f you think you deserve better treatment from your employer, you should seek an employment with a different, better organized company. I would not stay there to straighten out the rest of the organization.

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