자녀 교육을 위해 저희 부부 이름으로 학자금 융자를 받았읍니다. 하지만 와이프가 암에 걸리는 바람에 한국에서 치료차 나가느라 파산을 하엿읍니다. 지금은 미국에 돌아와 치료중인데 융자금을 상환해나갈 은력이 안됩니다. 만약 부모가 융자금을 갚지 못하면 자식에게로 융자금 체무가 넘어가는지요...
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회원 답변글
m**wonchan****님 답변답변일2/14/2012 3:36:05 PM
PLUS (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Student) is 100% parent's responsible loan and can not be transfered to student. If parent has hard financial situation like losing job, bankrupcy, big medical bills, or any situation parent can contact with loan agent to defer (postpone) payment. In your case you need to have medical bills, doctor's letter, and proof of bankrupcy to defer (postpone) your loan payment. You can find who your loan agent is at www.nslds.ed.gov or 800-433-3243.