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Q.Change Visa from F-1 (OPT ) to K-3 (Marriage with US citizen)

지역New York 아이디s**mch****
조회1,028 공감0 작성일1/27/2010 6:12:35 AM

I am an international student and I’ve been in NY for 3 years and 6 month. (F-1)
Now I am working at a hospital during my OPT period. (Jun2 2009~jun1 2010)
My OPT will finish on Jun 1, 2010.
I am engaged last month.
My fiance has US citizenship and we are thinking about getting married before my VISA expired.

1. Which documents do I need to prepare?
2. can I still continue my work?
3. how long does it take to get a work permit?
4. we will have a wedding in S. Korea on October 2010.
is it possible to go to Korea on October?
Is it require to extra paper to get a permission to travel outside of US?

Thank you,

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

우시영 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 1/27/2010 8:11:57 AM
If you said your OPT period would end June 1, 2010, your status would be expiring then. If you want to maintain your authorized stay here upuntil you get married, you need to obtain another non-immigrant status by, such as, returning to school with a new I-20. If you plan to have wedding in October, please seek consultation from an attorney about fiancee visa because you need to stay safe in the US until you will get the Green Card.

우시영 [이민/비자]

직업 변호사

이메일 seayoung.woo@gmail.com

전화 703-941-7395

회원 답변글
g**s2**** 님 답변 답변일 1/27/2010 3:49:54 PM
Hi. I am an American citizen who sponsored my husband for his green card. We did it by ourselves with no lawyer. We got married September 10 and we had our interview that December and his green card in January.
1. For the american citizen you need proof of citizenship (birth certificate or passport), Income tax filings for the past 3 years.
For you, you will need your birth document translated into english by a verified translator, passport, valid visa, your I-134 card proving the date you legally entered into the US (it's usually stapled into your passport).
Once you get married you'll need your marriage certificate, and proof that your a "real" married couple such as joint bank statements, lease documents (you'll probably want to hold on to them from the time you get married until you file to remove conditions on your marriage green card)
2. Not sure if you can continue to work legally.
3. You will receive your EAD or Employment Authorization Document within 90 days of applying for the EAD

You must NOT be illegal at anytime, and I suggest you get married if even at a local courthouse before your visa expires and have your marriage ceremony in Korea later, Thats what we did. Also once your apply for your green card you can then apply for a travel document so you can safely go to Korea in October even before you get your green card.
Good Luck!

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