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Q.Cancel cellular phone service without fines?

지역California 아이디s**le56****
조회1,067 공감0 작성일9/14/2009 9:07:30 AM
I have used my cell phone for about 18 months. During that time, I exchanged my phone for five times. (warranty issued) Three times with same issue and the rest are different. And the phone broke again. This time, I can’t see the screen and main function keys are not working. basically, the phone lost its functionality. The company refused to exchange my phone because it’s out of warranty. They warranty their equipments for a year. However, that’s when you get one warranty exchange and the phone is in working condition. Not break down in 1 month. or even couple days i experienced. When I first exchange my phone (about 2 weeks after my new contract, so about 17 and a half month ago) they guaranteed my satisfaction and warranty exchange until I satisfy with phone. However, now they changed their words and the company refused to do it. Any suggestions?

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
x**al**** 님 답변 답변일 9/14/2009 1:50:52 PM
저는 버라이전의 셀펀을 이년동안 한번도 고장없이 쓰는데......님의 겨우는 참 특이한 경우라고 보여집니다. 한번도 아니고......5번씩이나 바꾸시다니요...... 워런티가 된다고 해도 무조건 바꾸어주는것은 아닌걸로 압니다. 더군다나 님같은 경우는....셀펀회사측에서도 나름대로 조건을 걸어놓았을듯........ 뭐라 드릴말씀은 없지만....잘 해결하시기 바랍니다.
s**le56**** 님 답변 답변일 9/14/2009 2:29:03 PM
Thanks for your response. I know 5 warranty exchange is a lot. I know my service provider tried to work with me. I am happy for it. however, they never questioned that they just have low quality phone. I used my cellular phone for almost 20 years. couple complaints but not like this one. Now my main screen is blacked out, can’t see a thing. Purely it’s manufacturing issue and QA. I hope some experience laywer can show me the way to resolve my problem. I am not asking for a crazy expensive new phone. I just want working phone and use it until my contract is over. Or cancel my contact without penalties due to equipment failure.

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