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지역New York 아이디p**erkim7****
조회5,118 공감0 작성일12/1/2009 9:52:30 AM
전문가님의 조언 부탁드립니다.
제가 아는분이 TRAFFIC TICKET을 두장 받았는데,
하나는 NO LICENSE이며, 다른 하나는 NO TURN에서 TURN을 하여서 받았습니다.
문제는 이분이 H1 VISA로 체류중이며, INTERNATION DRIVER LICENSE를 보여 주었는데도 NO LICENSE로 TICKET을 받았습니다. 당시 LEARNER PERMIT을 가지고 있었으며, ROAD TEST를 오는 14일에 받기로 되어 있습니다.

변호사를 사서 해결을 하는것이 나을지 아니면 NOT GUILTY로 INTERNATION LICENSE와 한국 면허증을 같이 동봉하여 보내야 할지 조언 부탁드립니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

쟌 오 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 12/1/2009 5:13:42 PM
contrary to most people's understanding, the intternational driver's obtained from Korea is not valid in CA. As such, your friend cannot drive in CA without getting a CA license. No licence ticket is not just a ticket but a criminal misdemeanor offense. It is better to hire an attorney to reduce the charge to a simple ticket and a fine.
최영수 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 12/5/2009 5:14:55 AM
1. 질의자의 거주지 관할이 뉴욕인 것으로 보여 답변드립니다.

2. 뉴욕주의 경우 외국인이 뉴욕지역에서 뉴욕주면허증이 없이 운전할 경우에는
International Driving Permit(소위 국제면허증)과 한국운전면허증을 함께 지참
할 경우에 운전이 가능합니다. 단, 운전자가 뉴욕Resident가 아닐 경우에 한합
니다. 따라서 며칠 뉴욕에 여행오신 분 등은 뉴욕주면허증이 필요하지 않고
International Driving Permit(소위 국제면허증)과 한국운전면허증으로 운전이

3. 질의자는 현재 H-1b visa로 체류중인 관계로 법 정의상 NY Resident로 인정 됩니다. 따라서 뉴욕주 운전면허증을 발급받고 운전했어야 합니다.

4. 무면허운전인 Unlicensed Operation of Vehicle은 뉴욕주 도로교통법위반에 해당하는 violation 또는 traffic infraction으로 이민법상 문제가 되지 않고 보통 행정벌로 마무리 됩니다. 보통 2개의 교통법규위반이 있으면 1개는 Dismiss되고 나머지1개에 대해서 벌금이 나오는 것이 관례이므로 일단 Not guilty로 해서 보내시고 차후 법원날짜가 정해지면 변호사나 본인이 가셔서 재판에 임하시기 바랍니다.

5. 단, 다음 Information을 참고하시어 법원에 가셨을 때 본인이 강력한 주장을 해 보시기 바랍니다. 행운을 빕니다.


Drivers From Other Nations

Drivers from Canada.

A valid driver license from another country is also valid in NYS. You do not need to apply for a NYS driver license unless you become a resident of NYS.

According to NYS law, a resident of another country can get a NYS driver license. The DMV does not recommend this because:

* NYS recognizes your foreign driver license if you remain a resident of the nation that issued the license. You do not need to have a NYS driver license to drive in NYS unless you become a resident of NYS.
* If you have a driver license from any nation except Canada, you must pass a written test, complete a 5-hour pre-licensing course and pass a road test to qualify for a NYS driver license. See "New Drivers - How to Apply".
* You must show a Social Security Card. If you are not eligible for a Social Security Card, you must provide a letter or form SSA-L676 from the US Social Security Administration (SSA) that states that you are not eligible. The SSA Letter or form must have been issued no more than 30 days before the date of your application. You must also show the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documents that the SSA used to determine that you are not eligible for a Social Security Card. The USCIS was formerly known as the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Read the specific requirements on the identification requirements page.
* When you receive your NYS driver license, you must surrender your foreign driver license to the DMV road test examiner. The local DMV office keeps your foreign driver license, and then destroys the license after 60 days. If you plan to return to your home country and use your foreign driver license, ask the road test examiner how to make sure that your foreign driver license is not destroyed. If you need to get your foreign driver license, go to the local DMV office where you applied for your NYS driver license.

International Driving Permit: An International Driving Permit is not a driver license. The permit only verifies that you hold a valid driver license in your home country. Your foreign driver license, not the International Driving Permit, allows you to drive in NYS. Contact the authorities in your home country to get an International Driving Permit. If you are not a resident of the US, you cannot apply for an International Driving Permit in the US.

You are not required to have an International Driving Permit to drive in NYS, but the permit has value. The permit verifies, in several languages, that you have a valid foreign driver license. A police officer who cannot read the language on your foreign driver license can read the permit.

Note for US residents: The DMV does not issue International Driving Permits. Contact an automobile club that is a member of the American Automobile Association (AAA).

최영수 [법률상담]

직업 변호사

이메일 yschoilaw@gmail.com

전화 718 939 0209

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