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Q.회계사님 답변 부탁드립니다!!

지역New York 아이디s**orji****
조회1,076 공감0 작성일8/24/2011 8:35:39 AM

I am sorry I can’t type in Korean. Please respond in Korean.

Three brothers own a house together (no mention of percentage of ownership on the deed). Brother 1 has never lived there and brothers 2 and 3 meet the 2 out of 5 year residence test for $250k appreciation exclusion.

When we sell the house, we will net about $150k gain. Is IRS going to make us split the gain equally for tax purpose? Or will brothers 2 and 3 can split the gain under $250k exclusion threshold?

We want to know to see if brother 1 will be subject to capital gains tax because he has never lived at the house. FYI, brothers 2 and 3 made all the mortgage and property taxes on the house.

Thank you.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

에드워드 김 님 답변 [머니/재테크] 답변일 8/24/2011 2:44:04 PM
For joint owners who are not married,
up to $250,000 of gain is tax-free for ** EACH qualifying owner.**

각각의 소유주는 자신의 지분에 대하여 부과되는 세금에서 25만불 공제를 받기 위하여 자기 지분에 대하여 2년이상 살아야 합니다.

저의 소견에는
1. 자신의 지분에 해당하는 만큼 세금을 보고하고 capital gain tax를 납부한 후

2. 자신의 지분에 해당하지만 돈을 받지 않고 제 형제에게 넘겨준 것은 gift tax return을 보고하고 증여세를 내면 될 것 같습니다. 증여세는 일정금액 한도까지는 세금이 면제되지만 훗날 자녀에게 넘겨줄 상속세를 계산할 때 그만큼 공제혜택을 받을 수 없습니다.

에드워드 김 [머니/재테크>세금/세무]

직업 공인회계사

이메일 edwardkimcpa@gmail.com

전화 213-384-1182

회원 답변글
s**orji**** 님 답변 답변일 8/25/2011 7:34:35 AM
Thank you for your answer.

If brother 1 never lived in the house and does NOT want to receive any money from sale, can the other brothers take $250k exemption?

Brother 1 has never lived there in last 5 years and never paid for mortgage, only brother 3 paid all the mortgage payement.

Thank youl

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