[머니/재테크] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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지역Korea 아이디I**erte****
조회2,337 공감0 작성일11/5/2014 7:15:14 AM



They ask you to pay application fee of $1,500, they'll return and say your credit is not good enough to apply and not going to return application fee.

Then, they suggest you to pay additional $1,000 for different loan application.

Apply for commercial collateral loan for amount of $150,000
Collateral actual amount is $30,000 and they bubbling up to $100,000 for those useless telecommunication phone, and it's held by bank in outer States according to EZ LOAN.
Then, once loan approve, they ask for 15% loan fee + 5% commission which is $30,000

You apply for loan amount of $150,000 and you get only $90,000. Then, you have 5 years to pay back $150,000.

EZ LOAN also said, if you are filing bankruptcy, it's best to file after 1 year. This way, you can get away from FBI for not intentionally not pay back.

EZ LOAN is located between Western Blvd. and Olympic Blvd., but they change the company names too often and not able to pursue. Don't know what names they use now.

Be aware...this guy call James Chae is Korean and he is after bad credit to take advantage.

645 W. 9th St., 7th Fl. Los Angeles, CA, but where I met them was at different location.

Their phone number (213)986-5626 they never take call first., but they do call back with caution.

Fax (213)402-3572 again, they use it as phone and fax. even fax, you have to call ahead or will not accept.

email, ezloan720@gmail.com he cross out on his biz card and I doubt it will work now.

When I ask the application fee back, he drag me for 1 years and never pay back.

When I threaten to go public, he threaten back saying to release all my personal information to public.

I don't live in USA anymore, but I will never forget this guy who try to rip me off and many other people.

Since his English is not good enough, he only rip off to those who came from Korea or local Korean.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
y**ngtch**** 님 답변 답변일 11/5/2014 5:50:24 PM
visit www.dre.ca.gov and file a complaint against him.you also can check his license status , etc......
I**erte**** 님 답변 답변일 11/6/2014 3:38:10 PM
Thanks, i tried at DRE, but nothing related shown.

Here in conversation in Korean that he requested to make deposit to DOUBLETREE PARTNERS, INC.

빈센트 사장님
수신은행은 아래와 같습니다
Han Mi Bank
Account name :Doubletree partners,inc
Acc # 5003 28371
우선 송구 스럽습니다
융자는 10에서 15만 사이입니다
아주 까다로워졋습니다
이자는 년리 9 % 이하입니다
수수료는 론 어마운트에서 벤더가 25%~28 %를 디덕션합니다
그 외 저희 수수료가 5 %입니다
계약금액은 론어마운트인데 5 년정도까지 페이몬트가 됩니다만
월페이면트는 어마운트 이자 기간에 따리 계산이 나오게 됩니다
서류 요구가 대단합니다
빨리 완성하겟습니다

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