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Q.I am under my fathers insurance and got into an accident

지역California 아이디w**gi****
조회1,949 공감0 작성일4/1/2010 11:08:04 AM
I am paying the insurance under my dad the whole family is and i just recently got into an accident and i was wondering in california
am i covered? as far as coverage? and i had another accident 2 yrs ago
and they only covered the other side so they are discussing liability issue on this should i be worried? my mother and fater has full coverage and my car is under the policy but my name is not there....
sticky situation please help

* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

리처드 주 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 4/9/2010 12:59:28 AM
Each insurance policy has it's own terms and conditions regarding coverage so u should refer to your policy's, but generally speaking household relatives, i.e., children (you) of the named insured who reside at the same address are required to be either listed or excluded on the policy (your dad's). Apparently you were livig at the same address as your father when you got into the accident in 2008 and you were not listed or excluded; inthis situation, insurance companies will usually cover you on condition that you be listed or excluded immediately thereafter. If this was the case you may not be covered for your most recent accident, and you should be worried. Feel free to contact me for further discussion.
회원 답변글
h**song**** 님 답변 답변일 4/1/2010 11:14:22 AM
as long as the car you were driving is under your dad's insurance coverage and you are not an excluded driver, you are cover under the insurance. just report the accident to the insurance company and they will deal with that. They might ask you to add your name to the policy in the future so that if you get another accident they might not suspect that you are the primary driver for that vehicle.
r**arqu**** 님 답변 답변일 4/3/2010 1:11:33 PM
In case your name is excluded from insurance and you live with your family, insurance will not cover your accident . Consult with insurance agent.

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