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Q.w2 못 받았을때

지역California 아이디k**25****
조회3,670 공감0 작성일3/30/2012 7:43:45 AM
제가 작년초 2달동안 다녔던 회사가 문닫아서 w2 못받읍니다. 연락 안됩니다. 지금 다니는 회사는 w2 받았읍니다. 회계사는 그것 보고안해도 IRS 에서 얼마 더 내라고 연락온답니다. 그때 내도 된다는 데 ㅤㄱㅙㄶ찬나요? 공연히 audit 받지않을까요?

* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.

에드워드 김 님 답변 [머니/재테크] 답변일 3/30/2012 11:08:51 AM
W-2나 1099이 누락되면 IRS에서 편지가 옵니다. 아마도 1년정도를 전후해서 얼마의 세금과 페널티와 이자가 계산되어 편지가 오면 동의하여 세금을 납부하거나 혹은 사유서를 제출하여 세금을 줄이거나 합니다. 일반사람들이 상상하는 audit과는 좀 다릅니다.

우선 form 4852를 W-2대신 보고할 수가 있습니다. 이때 납세자와 사업자의 정보 모두가 필요하고 또한 소득과 공제에 대하여 기록하여야 합니다. 내용이 정확하지 않으면 수정보고해야 하므로 급여명세서 같은 자료를 잘 준비하여 보고하여야 합니다.

담당 회계사님와 상의하여 처리하세요

에드워드 김 [머니/재테크>세금/세무]

직업 공인회계사

이메일 edwardkimcpa@gmail.com

전화 213-384-1182

회원 답변글
T**612**** 님 답변 답변일 3/30/2012 9:45:42 AM
“제가 작년초 2달동안 다녔던 회사가 문닫아서 w2 못받읍니다. 연락 안됩니다. 지금 다니는 회사는 w2 받았읍니다. 회계사는 그것 보고안해도 IRS 에서 얼마 더 내라고 연락온답니다. 그때 내도 된다는 데 ㅤㄱㅙㄶ찬나요? 공연히 audit 받지않을까요”----> Going out of business is no excuse for an ER not to provide its former employees with a W-2 for tax filing purposes. The government takes this very seriously. If you find yourself in a position where your former ER has closed down shop and you're left without your W-2, you can take action. You need to attempt to contact your ER. If you have not received your W-2 by the 31st of January,2012, then contact your ER and request a copy of your W-2 form. If you are unable to reach anyone, send a letter via certified postal mail as proof of your attempting to get your W-2 from your ER. I guess you also need to obtain your ERr's ID number. Although it's closed down their business, the ER ID number is still the same. You should contact the IRS. call the IRS for assistance at 1-800-829-1040. Make sure you have all of your demographic information such as name address, zip code, social security number, dates of employment, name and address of your employer in addition to your employer's ID number. The IRS can try to get your W-2 from your ER for you. In the meanwhile, they can send you Form 4852, a W-2 substitute. Then you can file your taxes. If you do not receive your W-2, you must file your taxes using Form 4852. If you subsequently receive your W-2 from your ER after having filed your taxes using the substitute form, you must file an amended tax return using form 1040X,OK???
k**25**** 님 답변 답변일 4/2/2012 6:55:30 PM
form 4852를 작성하려는 데 전 직장의 fed. EIN 과 state ID number를 못 찾겠네요. 그래도 보고 할수 있읍니까?
612**** 님 답변 답변일 4/2/2012 10:29:21 PM
Since you can’t look up your ER’s EIN or SSN# on last year's tax return or last year's W-2 form. You do not need their EIN to file your return just mail in the return. You cannot e-file legally anyway using a substitute W2 .Though you can file Form 4852 without it(then, you need to explain in detail on lines 9 and 10 how you came about your wage and withholding estimate as well as the efforts you made to try to obtain your W-2 form.), it can make the process easier if you can provide this information; you can grab a copy of your last paycheck stub and call the IRS at 800-829-1040. After providing your personal information and telling the agent your employer's name and address, the IRS will attempt to find a copy of your W-2 form. This is an especially important step, because your ER may have sent tax information to the IRS even if it was not sent to you.So, you need to tell them to issue you another W-2. they have to keep them for 4 years.Alternately, call the IRS (or fax in form 4506-T) and get the IRS copy. With it in hand, yuo can efile.You can file the form 4852 without the EIN, but using the IRS copy would be faster.

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