[Public Law 106-169 (Foster Care Independence Act of 1999) established a period of SSI ineligibility of up to 36 months for an individual who transfers resources for less than fair market value.
Valid transfer 경우 ***
When there is a valid transfer, the individual no longer owns the property.
A valid transfer is based on a legally binding agreement.
If the individual no longer owns the property, it is NOT counted as a resource for SSI purposes.
Therefore, when property is validly transferred, it NO longer counts as a resource as of the first moment of the month following the transfer.
(SI 01110.600).]
Transfer of resources 의 "look-back date" 36개월 조항에 대하여
SSI 신청서에 차량이 딸에게 'valid transfer'한 evidence (Document/statement)를 제공하여
period of SSI ineligibility of up to 36 month에 적용 안받는다, 라고 나옵니다.
차량 (resource) 이전 'valid transfer'이 발생한 달의 다음달에 신청해보시길 권합니다.