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Q.병원 자료 유출. < Hippa 변호사님 소개>

지역New Jersey 아이디s**berbel****
조회1,919 공감0 작성일6/11/2024 10:38:47 AM
작년 초에 병원에 다녀온 내용들이 병원 관계자로
부터 제 3자에게 유출 되었는데 어떻게 하면 좋은
지 자문을 구합니다. < 변호사님 소개도 부탁드립
니다 > 개인정보동의서가 있어야 하는데 사소한 내
용까지 유출됨. 감사합니다.

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
z**fandel0**** 님 답변 답변일 6/13/2024 10:43:34 AM
[A covered entity is permitted to use or disclose
protected health information pursuant to
any Authorization that meets
the Privacy Rule’s requirements at 45 CFR 164.508.

HIPAA can allow health care providers to share
protected health information (PHI) with other entities that
are involved in a patient's care, including businesses that
provide services for those providers.

This is known as a major exception to the need for
specific authorization to release PHI.

For example, a doctor can share information with a billing service that
prepares their bills, a lab that performs medical testing, or a specialty consultant.

HIPAA also allows health care providers to disclose PHI for treatment purposes
WITHOUT the patient's authorization.
This includes coordinating or managing health care with a third party.]


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