이번 가을에 CAL STATE 에 진학을 앞둔 부모입니다. FAFSA를 통해서 보조를 받았는데 부족해서 융자를 받을려고 합니다 어떤 융자가 있고 어떻게 받는지요. 감사합니다
* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.
노준건 님 답변 [유학/교육]답변일5/8/2012 8:57:54 AM
학생이 Grant와 Loan을 받고도 모자란 경우에는 연방정부에서 부모님에게 융자를 해 줍니다 (Parent PLUS Loan). https://studentloans.gov/myDirectLoan/index.action 에 가서 신청을 하세요. 이자율이 7.9% 입니다.
Qestion: FAFSA를 통해서 보조를 받았는데 부족해서 융자를 받을려고 합니다 어떤 융자가 있고 어떻게 받는지요.
Answer: 1. Direct Subsidized Loan $3500 (Fall and Spring semesters as freshman). No interest will be charged until student graduates. After Graduation, yearly interest will be either 3.4% or 6.8%. 2. Direct Unsubsidized Loan $2000 (Fall and Spring semesters as freshman). 6.8% yearly interest will be charged as soon as student receives. *Student can start repaying for both Direct subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans after graduation. 3. PLUS (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Student) Parent's credit will be checked. Once PLUS gets approved and paid, yearly interest will 7.9% and parent will get mailed the first billing statement to make the first payment within 60 days.