will file 로 해놨는데요 펩사에서 돈이 approved 됐다고 아이 학교에서 연락이 왔는데요 세금 보고는 언제까지 해야 하나요? 세금 보고를 못하면 캔슬 될수도 있나요?
Yes. Financial Aid can be canceled. FAFSA was incompleted with "Will File" for parents' 2011 tax return. School mailed and e-mailed financial aid award letter, but it is like pre-approved. Financial aid counselor and Department of Education expect that FAFSA will be corrcted by student and parents as soon as 2011 tax return is filed. If financial aid counselor found that FAFSA is still not corrected with parens' 2011 tax return, he or she maybe cancel student's financial aid sometimes soon. Please, have your child contact with financial aid office to find the deadline for making FAFSA corrections with parents' 2011 tax return.