HOA 관련 규정을 확인해 보신후, 해당 규정에 관련 조항이 없다면, HOA 를 상대로 법적 소송을 진행하실수 있을듯 사료됩니다.
Hi, My family of 4 (me, my wife and 2 kids; daughter who's a freshman in HS, son in 4th grade) has been living in this townhome community (we're homeowner) since Sept. of '05.
We have a neighbor (renter) who turns on their AC unit (HVAC) literally every 20 min. throughout the day even when it rains and from midnight to morning. Their AC is located on their front patio area. The loud & vibrating noise (the noise resembles one from one of those power plants) from their AC unit has been keeping me and my neighbors' awake at nights and it is loud enough to cause nuisance and annoyance.
So we reported this issue to our HOA and they came back to us saying they've discussed with board members & advised us to file noise complaint to the City. We filed noise complaint to the City & the City Code Enforcement Officer provided us with the proof/evidence result of the reading was clearly in violation of both the City Code & the terms our HOA CC&R. Anything above 55 dB violated the City Code and the result read 62 dB.
The problem is that our HOA & the board doesn't really seem to address this issue properly even though they know for a fact that our neighbor's property is clearly in clear violation. They said best they can do is send out violation notice to the actual homeowner but if homeowner doesn't take action, there isn't much they can do. However, per City Code Enforcement Officer, HOA must move to the next level and issue ultimatum to the homeowner by issuing warning letter outlining possibility of imposing fines, etc if the issue continues to persist.
Again, the noise is keeping us awake at nights and the issue still has not been resolved. Per City, HOA has the legal duty to enforce the community rules but they're not enforcing it.
My neighbors and I want to know what options we have at this point and if we can file small claim against the HOA.
Thank you.
처음에 HOA에게 보고했더니 City측에 file complaint하라고 해서 그렇게 하였습니다. 그리고 City에서 소음측정기를 통해 소음을 측정했으며 City Code on Noise Standards를 위반하였다고 컨펌해주었습니다. City는 HOA가 문제를 해결해야할 법적인 책임 (legal duty)이 있다고 컨펌해주었으며 HOA측과 follow up하라고 하였습니다. 문제는 저와 저의 이웃들은 밤잠까지 설치는 심각한 상황임에도 불구하고 HOA는 상황에 대해 미온한 태도를 보인다는것입니다. 마치 "내가 거기 안사니까 뭐 별로 상관할바 아니다" 라는 태도와 느낌을 받을정도이며 $316 HOA due는 열심히 매달 collect하고 있습니다. 그냥 조용하게 살고 싶은데 이 상황에서 저희에게 무슨 Option이 있는지 상세하고 명확하게 알고 싶습니다. 감사합니다.
* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.
HOA 관련 규정을 확인해 보신후, 해당 규정에 관련 조항이 없다면, HOA 를 상대로 법적 소송을 진행하실수 있을듯 사료됩니다.
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