[유학/교육] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.캘그랜트 수혜자격?

지역California 아이디l**ito****
조회2,562 공감0 작성일1/16/2013 10:39:29 PM
저희 아이가 uc3학년에 재학중입니다.
영주권을 이번에 받게되었는데 캘그랜트를 받을 수 있는지 질문드립니다.
대학 입학시 캘그랜트 신청과 성적베리피케션도 하였습니다.

3학년 재학중에도 캘그랜트 수혜자격이 되는지 알고싶습니다.


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

노준건 님 답변 [유학/교육] 답변일 1/21/2013 12:01:03 PM
아래의 사항에 해당이 되면 받을 수 있습니다.

To be eligible for a Cal Grant you must:

1. Submit the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application (beginning in 2013) and your verified Cal Grant GPA by the deadline
2. Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen (your parents don’t need to be citizens or eligible noncitizens) or meet AB540 criteria (beginning in 2013)
3. Be a California resident when you graduated from high school or meet AB540 criteria
4. Have a Social Security number or meet AB540 criteria
5. Attend a qualifying California college
6. Not have a bachelor’s or professional degree (except for Cal Grant A and B extended awards for a teaching credential program)
7. Have financial need based on your college costs
8. Have family income and assets below the established ceilings
9. Meet any minimum GPA requirements
10. Be in a program leading to an undergraduate degree or certificate
11. Be enrolled at least half time
12. Have registered with U.S. Selective Service (most males)
13. Not owe a refund on a state or federal grant, or be in default on a student loan

노준건 [유학/교육>입학/학자금]

직업 학자금재정전문가/연방세무사

이메일 finaid52@gmail.com

전화 718-281-4888

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