'Starting October 1, 2021, new laws' < - - - 여기 링크 오픈하여
eviction process 퇴거 절차에 관한 새로운 가주 법을 참조하시고 . . .
해당지역 부동산 전문 변호사와 상담하시기 권합니다.
"Starting October 1, 2021, if you're trying to evict your tenant for nonpayment of rent for a rental that started before October 1, 2021, you need to confirm in writing in your court papers that you applied for rental assistance and either
- Your application was denied because your tenant did not qualify or they did not complete their part of the application (you have to attach a copy of the denial letter to your court papers)
- You completed the application and it's been more than 20 days since you completed the application or gave the Notice to Quit (whichever is later) and you have not heard back from the rental assistance program or from your tenant that they applied "
- https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=ko&op=translate <- - - 구글 번역기
렌트비 인상금지 유무는 city 또는 county 지방정부의 LOCAL ORDINANCES 에 따라 . . .
해당 아파트에 적용되는 'LOCAL ORDINANCES'를 건물주/메니저 또는 해당지역 부동산 전문 변호사에게 문의하는 방법이 있고 . . .
해당 city 또는 county 올려 구체적인 질문에 구체적인 답이 나올 수 있겠죠? ^ ^