'Starting October 1, 2021, new laws' < - - - 여기 링크 오픈하여 참조하시고 . . .
부동산 전문 변호사와 상담하시기 권합니다.
"As of October 1, 2021, a tenant may be evicted for any legal reason, including failure to pay rent."
"Between October 1, 2021, and March 30, 2022, a landlord cannot get a summons to evict a renter based on nonpayment of rent unless they file:
- A signed statement that the landlord completed a rental assistance application that was denied and a copy of the final denial; OR
- A signed statement that (1) the landlord submitted a completed application,
(2) more than 20 days have passed since the landlord submitted the application or served a 3-day notice of nonpayment of rent,
(3) the landlord has not received notice from the rental assistance program that the renter has submitted a completed application, and
(4) the landlord has not heard that the renter has applied; OR
- A signed statement that the renter moved in on or after October 1, 2021. "
'Starting October 1, 2021, new laws' 에 따라
"법원에서 해당 케이스에 대한 소환장 (summons against the defendant 세입자 to appear in court)을 발행하기 전에 임대료 지원 rental assistance을 필히 신청해야 합니다."
HousingIsKey.com. < - - - 임대료 지원 (833) 430-2122