Q.J1-Waiver 관련 질문 드립니다
작성일10/13/2022 5:20:26 AM
안녕하세요 미리 감사드립니다.
제가 J1 waiver 과정 중에 Department of Homeland Security로 부터 receipt number가 적혀 있는 Form I-797C, Notice of Action 편지를 받았는데, 맨 마지막 NOTICE 부분에
'Under the INA, the information you provide on and in support of applicants and petitions is submitted under the penalty of perjury.
USCIS and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this information before and/or after making a decision on your case so we can ensure that you have complied with applicable rules, regulations, and other legal authorities ~~" 라는 말이 있습니다.
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