Q.비지니스 렌트 해지
작성일8/15/2016 9:57:18 AM
아래 경우에 도움을 받을 수 있을까요? 렌드로드가 변호사를 고용하여 소송을 하려고 summon 을 보내 왔습니다. 렌트 종료 편지를 보내면서 3개월 페널티와 함께 5개월 프리 랜트까지 총 8개월 렌트비를 청구하고 있습니다.
답변 감사합니다.
This is for a business retail rental argument.
I signed for the early termination agreement with landlord on Mar.12.2015 with paying 3 months rent penalties and additional monthly rent fees until the new rent commencement date. I paid the rent until the landlord found a new tenant on June.2016 and they offered a new tenant five free months rent. The landlord try to charge me 3 months rent fees and another 5 months free rent fee with is total 8 months rent fees. They sent me the lease termination letter asking moving out by July 22.2015 and I moved out July 22.2016.
Now here is what I thought unfair. Even though I signed for the penalties (3 month plus the new rent commencement), I paid and provided enough time for the landlord to find a new tenant. I did not expect them to take 15 months to find a new tenant when I signed the early termination agreement. Also five free months to a new tenant is not written in the early termination agreement. As far as I know, if a tenant provides enough time for a landlord to find a new tenant, the tenant can terminate the lease.
Please let me know if you can help my case and they sent a summon for hearing on Aug.26.16.
Sung Choe
Thank you.