Q.이혼서류 작성 관련
작성일10/18/2017 10:33:57 PM
안녕하세요. 이혼을 결정하여 변호사님을 통하지 않고 직접 진행하려고 하는데 밑에 항목에 자녀 숫자를 어떻게 기록해야 할지 몰라 문의드립니다.
(저는 전처와의 자녀 2명이 있으며 모두 성인이며 지금에 와이프와 결혼전에
모두 결혼한 상태입니다. 또한, 지금 이혼하려고 하는 와이프는 전 남편과의 만 19세의 대학생과 만 16세 고등학생이 있는 상태입니다.)
32. How many living children do you and your spouse have together that were born before the date of this marriage?
(Number of Children)
33. A.How many living children were born to you (if you are female) with someone other than your spouse during this marriage? (This number includes children born after the parties separated.)
(Number of Children)
B. How many living children were born to your spouse (if they are female) with someone other than you during this marriage? (This number includes children born after the parties separated.)
(Number of Children)