[법률] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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지역California 아이디y**sk****
조회3,552 공감0 작성일4/26/2019 10:22:17 PM
부부명의로 돼어있는 집을 자녀에게 리빙트러스트를 해놓으면
메디칼 혜택을 받아도 발생했었던 비용을 사후 물지않아도 되는건지요?

비용을 물지않아도 된다면 어떤 명목으로 리빙트러스트를 해놓아야 하는건지요?

* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

케빈 장 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 5/1/2019 12:41:22 AM

Irrevocable Living Trust 로 명의를 이전해 놓거나, 자녀분에게 증여를 하셨다면, 더이상 본인의 재산으로 간주가 되지 않게 되시니, 이점 참고하시기 바라겠습니다.


케빈 장 [법률상담]

직업 변호사

이메일 khjlawcorp@gmail.com

전화 213-221-1188

케빈 장
이서연 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 5/1/2019 11:21:32 AM
아래를 참조하시고 리빙트러스트를 준비하십시요. Probate을 가지않으면 Revocable/Irrevocable 상관없이 보호하실수 있도록 2017년부터 법이 개정되었습니다.

For Medi-Cal members who died on or after January 1, 2017: (See Changes to Estate Recovery effective January 1, 2017 due to Legislation SB 833)

Repayment will be limited only to estate assets subject to probate that were owned by the deceased member at the time of death.
Repayment will be limited to payments made, including managed care premiums paid, for nursing facility services, home and community based services, and related hospital and prescription drug services received when the member was an inpatient in a nursing facility or received home and community based services.
For Medi-Cal members who died prior to January 1, 2017:

Repayment will be sought from all assets owned by the deceased member at the time of death.
Repayment will be owed for payments made for most services received and/or monthly managed care premiums paid on behalf of the Medi-Cal member.
회원 답변글
4**ki**** 님 답변 답변일 4/27/2019 7:33:14 AM
A revocable living trust does not protect your assets from nursing home and other long term care costs. The Home Protection Trust is an irrevocable trust specifically designed to protect its holdings from loss if you ever have to apply for Medicaid to pay for your long term care costs.

양노원 같은 장기치료을 받아 비용이 많이 소요되면 안됩니다. (자녀가 어려서 보호를 받을 경우는 예외이라고 읽었슴).

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