Q.About Quitclaim Deed .. 아들이 엄마에게 ..이게 무슨내용인가요??
작성일9/22/2020 9:40:32 PM
THAT, Pong Mock, a married person, hereinafter called Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of One and no one hundredths ($ 1.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Carl Wells and Zoey Wells, husband and wife, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, sell and quitclaim unto the said, Carl Wells and Zoey Wells, husband and wife, hereinafter called Grantee, and unto her heirs and assigns forever, the following described lands lying in the County of Saline and State of Arkansas, to wit : Lot 14 l, an Addition to the City of Haskell
To have and to hold the same unto the said Grantee and unto her heirs and assigns forever. with all appurtenances thereunto belonging. AND we, Pong Mock and Hyun Jon Park, for the consideration recited herein, do hereby release and relinquish unto the said Grantee all our rights of curtesy and dower and homestead in and to the said lands.
mock는 어머니 ,wells는 자녀입니다. Wells는 사기를 잘칩니다 엄마에게.. 참(증여할생각없음)사인요구