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지역California 아이디j**nysy****
조회1,078 공감0 작성일2/15/2012 5:13:55 PM
UCI SCHOOL 에서 IRS date of RETRIEVAL TOOL FAFSA 에 물어보라고 하는데 ..
이것이 무엇을 말하는것 입니까/

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
m**wonchan**** 님 답변 답변일 2/17/2012 1:10:48 PM
When student fill our FAFSA, student needs to use 2011 Income Tax Return. Department of Education highly recommands student and parents to use this IRS data Retrieval Tool for FAFSA. Student and parents can transfer 2011 Income tax transcript from IRS to FAFSA. To use this IRS data Retrieval Tool for FAFSA, student and parents need to wait until thier 2011 Income Tax Returns are in IRS system. It normally takes about 2 weeks after 2011 Income Tax Return was filed online and 4 weeks after filed by paper form with mailing.You do not really have to use this to complete FAFSA.You can still use the copy of 2011 Income Tax Return to complete FAFSA. These are steps to use IRS data Retrieval Tool for FAFSA

1. Enter your PIN for your 2011 Income Tax Return and Parent's PIN for Parents' 2011 Income Tax Retunrn.
2. click Link To IRS
3. Your FAFSA will be saved and you will be transferred to the IRS Web site.
5. On the IRS Web site, enter the requested information.
6. Once the IRS has validated your identification, your IRS tax information will display. You can either transfer your information from the IRS, or choose to return to FAFSA on the Web from the IRS Web site. If you do not transfer your information or choose not to return from the IRS Web site, you will have to login to open your saved FAFSA.
7. If you transfer your IRS tax information, questions that are populated with tax information will be marked with “Transferred from the IRS.”

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