[법률] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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지역California 아이디d**103****
조회2,214 공감0 작성일10/31/2024 7:29:15 AM

IRS 내부자 고발에 대해 알고 십니다.

CASH 월급을 주었고 8년어치 정도의 매상이 있답니다.



* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
z**fandel0**** 님 답변 답변일 10/31/2024 7:42:28 AM
Under California law, it is not illegal to pay employees in cash . . .

캘리포니아 법에 따르면 직원에게 현금으로 급여를 지급하는 것은 불법이 아닙니다.
z**fandel0**** 님 답변 답변일 10/31/2024 7:45:05 AM
[In California, it is generally legal for employees to be paid in cash,
as long as certain requirements are met and
the employer complies with the relevant labor laws.

However, even if an employee is paid in cash,
the employer is still obligated to provide an itemized pay statement that
includes specific information, as outlined in California Labor Code Section 226(a).

California Labor Code Section 226(a) mandates that
employers must provide accurate and itemized written statements
to employees at the time they are paid in cash]

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