최소 1년 이상 운전 경력이 있어야 하며 신원조회도 필요하며 주거를 증명할 수 있어야 하고 운전면허를 비롯한 자동차 보험과 우버 운전에 적합한 차이어야 합니다.
To be a driver in Seattle, you must meet certain requirements: have AT LEAST ONE YEAR of DRIVING EXPERIENCE, and clear a background check. The documents you’ll need to submit are a valid driver's license; proof of residency in your city, state, or province; and INSURANCE if you plan to drive your own car. To sign up, the process includes submitting documents and photo; providing information for a background check; and finding out if your car is eligible (or getting a vehicle that is). For more information, you can go to uber.com/drive/requirements.