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Q. High budget 산악회 법인 등록 필수?

지역California 아이디D**edpar****
조회222 공감0 작성일10/25/2024 1:00:23 PM
어제 질문에 연결된 사항입니다
년간 budget이 8만불 정도의 산악회, 필히 법인으로 등록해야 하나요?
비영리 단체 등록 여건이 안되는 것 같습니다

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
z**fandel0**** 님 답변 답변일 10/26/2024 3:16:56 PM

Social clubs "501(c)(7) organizations" in California must register with
the state, local, and federal agencies.
Social clubs must file annual returns with the IRS . . .

[Social clubs :
Achieving 501(c)(7) status for your social club in California
involves complying with specific requirements set by the IRS.

Articles of Incorporation: File these with the California Secretary of State.
The articles should outline your organization’s purpose, basic structure,
and compliance with state requirements for 501(c)(7) organizations.

Bylaws: Draft this crucial document to detail the rules
and procedures for your organization's governance,
including membership criteria, meeting schedules,
and officers' roles and responsibilities.

for tax purposes, and it's required to open a bank account
and conduct financial transactions under your organization’s name
. . . ]
z**fandel0**** 님 답변 답변일 10/26/2024 3:28:13 PM
Submit Form 1024 to the IRS to establish
your federal tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(7) organization.
. . . ]

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