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Q.In order to pay NJ in-state tuition...

지역New Jersey 아이디j**n30****
조회1,712 공감0 작성일11/17/2012 11:31:47 PM
I'm a 20-year-old US citizen who's entire family lives in Korea. It'd be easy to think of me as a regular international student who merely holds a dual citizenship.

What I would like to ask is if there is ANY way (long-term or short-term) for me and my family to pay in-state tuition for Rutgers Univ., the state Univ. of NJ. Nobody around me is a legal expert in this particular field so I'm posting this inquiry here in hope that I could get some insight.

some facts about me...
I'm a US citizen
My parents are Korean Citizens who live and work in Korea
I've graduated high school at a private boarding school in PA.
I hold no residency in any state of the US.
Will be attending Rutgers Univ. in the fall of 2013

Some things that I've heard of...
Appointing a legal guardian who is a NJ resident?
claiming independent?

Please let me know if there is ANY way for my family to lessen the financial burden of my college tuition... Thank you

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

노준건 님 답변 [유학/교육] 답변일 11/21/2012 8:54:12 AM
It is almost impossible to be an independent student, and also can not get the instate tuition benefit from Rutgers. You'd better look for the private school. It is financially much better.

노준건 [유학/교육>입학/학자금]

직업 학자금재정전문가/연방세무사

이메일 finaid52@gmail.com

전화 718-281-4888

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