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Q.Process to obtain a green card as a veterinarian

지역Oklahoma 아이디i**hil_ki****
조회738 공감0 작성일3/22/2010 6:50:46 PM
I'd like to apologize ahead of time for not being able to place my post in a proper category. My windows Vista OS doesn't allow me to read Korean of scroll-down choices provided. I have chosen the first choices as default. As you can see, it also does not allow me to type in Korean either.

I am a 4th year veterinary medicine student in Oklahoma and I will be graduating next year in February. I am planning to take my NAVLE exam, which is sort of a national qualification test to become a licensed veterinarian in US, some time in November, in which time I will be required to choose a state where I wish to practice. I have become to consider CA, CO, and TX as my top 3 choices due to their relative proximity to Korea (compared to some other eastern states) and a certain professional networking I have accomplished over the years. I will be continuing to pursue internship following my graduation, which hopefully will be continued to residency.

It is my understanding that during internship and residency years, I will be able to obtain H1-B visa. I have stumbled upon such information while browsing on several university websites regarding to their internship/residency programs. A few schools have indicated that H1-B visa will be given to an intern/resident as long as a certain amount of fee is paid to the school's administrative/immigration office.

My questions are: what do I need to do to obtain a green card from there? How long will it take to get a green card once I have H-1B visa? What kind of processes will I need to remember in order to do so?

I have always prepared for my visas ever since I first came to the states as a college student 6 years ago, looking up for information on the web. These questions, however, seem to be difficult ones to get answers to. I'd greatly appreciate your response.

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

우시영 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 3/22/2010 7:35:38 PM
Why don't you search on the Intrnet with 'employment based green card application process?' You may obtain H-1B even before you are experienced if you have a license. As to the green card, your employer may look for an employee experienced for 2-3 years.

우시영 [이민/비자]

직업 변호사

이메일 seayoung.woo@gmail.com

전화 703-941-7395

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