Q.Dmv 주소변경
작성일5/12/2017 2:00:49 AM
이사하고 나서 dmv직접 가서 주소변경을 하려고 합니다.
주소변경 form을 보니
Voter Change of Address 라고 투표등록한사람들 주소변경을 묻는거같은데,
We will change your voting address if you have moved and still live in the same county. If you have moved to a new county or are not registered to vote, you must complete a new voter registration card. DMV provides the form or call 1-800-345-VOTE or logon to the Secretary of State’s website at www.sos.ca.gov.
Mark this box if you do not want to change your voting address.
영주권자라서 당연히 투표등록안했는데, 그러면 N 이라고 주소변경원하지않는다고
체크를 해야하나요?
아님 투표등록을 안했으면그냥 비워두면되나요?