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Q.so here is a sad story

지역Virginia 아이디d**akor****
조회1,335 공감0 작성일8/31/2010 10:15:26 PM
coworker of mine marries a girl from korea.

he has a daughter who is 2 years old.

the couple have lot of ups and down in their marriage. Husband asks the wife to get marriage counseling but she refuses.

personality difference is main problem in this marriage. soon as the wife get a permanent green card application done and biometric finger print. she disappears from virginia with the kid.

Should my coworker call the police for missing child?
Should my coworker call INS immigration for Marriage fraud?
Should my coworker call FBI for Child Abuction?

what is your thoughts on this???

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

회원 답변글
j**le**** 님 답변 답변일 8/31/2010 11:41:32 PM
Tell your (ahem) coworker to contact the proper authorities. The green card is a non issue in a child abduction case, and there's no extradition requirement between states.

If she flees the country with the girl, THEN things might be tricky.

Involve the INS at your own risk, since a fraudulent marriage can come back to bite you, er, the coworker.
d**amga**** 님 답변 답변일 9/1/2010 9:26:39 AM
NO bady NO- there have personaly problem?

wife problem? husband problem?

Dad take care baby? I don,t think so.

USA low is mother side first!

I think she was very different disicion - It,s not folse marriage.
-because she lives been 2years longer and baby has too.
-only they are have problem?

korean woman first thinking for baby!!!

No bady touch there family problem!!!
-You are thirty party---You don't know they are hitory!!!

Thank you for reading!!!

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