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Q.Divorce after I 751 filing jointly

지역New York 아이디t**t**ti****
조회1,299 공감0 작성일3/15/2011 12:11:39 PM
My husband and I filed i751 jointly and he filed the divorce. If Divorce gets finalized, what should I do? Should I file another i751 along with the divorce decree? How soon I have to do that?
What will happen if I don't do anything while i751 is pending?

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

김영기 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 3/16/2011 1:27:23 PM
As long as the initial i-751 was timely and properly filed with both your and your spouse's signatures, you do not need to file another i-751. The USCIS looks at all the submitted documentation to see whether the marriage was entered into in good faith.

There is a possibility that USCIS may require an interview before approving the i-751. If that is the case, your husband would be expected to show up at the interview together. It may be problematic if your husband then refuses to accompany you to the interview. In such a situation, I recommend consulting an experienced immigration attorney who can analyze the specifics of your particular case and represent you to the best of his abilities.

Also note that you would have to wait another three years to be eligible for a citizenship if your marriage to a U.S. citizen is terminated.

I wish you the best.

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