[이민/비자] 상담 글 질문에 공감하시면 '나도 궁금해요'버튼을 눌러주세요.

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Q.시민권자랑 결혼해서 영주권 받는 케이스

지역New York 아이디w**123****
조회1,513 공감0 작성일5/28/2011 6:00:36 PM
안녕하세요. 이번 6월에 결혼하는데 변호사비용이 너무 비싸서 스스로 영주권신청을 하려그럽니다.

쓰는도중 질문이 몇가지있었는데 도움좀 받을수있을까요?

I- 130
Question 14. Date authorized stay expired, or will expire as shown on Form I-94 or I-95
I first came to the US with a B-2 visa and changed my visa to an E and then F visa.
My original I-94 says that it expires on 01/25/2003. Do I put that date or should I put D/S

Question 16. Has your relative ever been under immigration proceedings?
Yes my parents filed paperwork for permanent residency in 2002 and 2006 through a job but our sponsor couldn't support us any longer so we were denied.
There are 4 boxes under it -removal, -exclusion/deportation, -rescission, -judicial proceedings
I don't think I apply to any of them. Do I have to check off of one of them?

Question 21. If filing for your husband/wife, give last address at which you lived together.
We never lived together but we plan to live together after marriage. Should I put our address and say 6/4/2011 until present or just put none?

Question 22. Complete the information below if your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status.
Your relative is in the US and will apply for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident at the USCIS office in:
I wasn't sure what to say. I think it is in Dallas, Texas since we are in Syracuse, NY. Is that correct?

If your relative is not eligible for adjustment of status, he or she will apply for visa abroad at the American consular post in:
I wasn't sure if I could leave this one blank or need to fill in something.

Question 11.
Yes I have applied for employment authorization in the past and was granted
It asks me to attach all documentation. I have applied for employment authorization 3 times in the past.
once in 2003 for our first permanent residency paperwork which didn't work out. Second time in 2007 and third time in 2008 to extend the one in 2007.
What documentation do I need to attach?

Question 16.
Go to Part 2 of the Instructions, Eligibility Categories. In the space below, place the letter and number of the category you selected from the instructions.
I was reading the instructions and I think I am (c)(9) but I wasn't too sure about that. Is that correct?

Also, is there any way to expedite the process for I-765?

An online website says that we have to send 4 copies of G-325 for each person. Is that correct?

그리고 서류작성하고 이민국 어디로 보내야 될까요?


혹시 cover sheet도 해야합니까?

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
n****s**** 님 답변 답변일 5/30/2011 3:07:47 PM
이 질문에 답을 하려면 상당한 시간이 필요하기 때문에 답변을 꺼려합니다.
몇번에 나누어 올려도 좋으니 짧은 답이 나오도록 질문해야 합니다.
1) I-130
가장 최근에 받은 I-94 를 기준해서 적습니다.
Question 16 - No 라고 해도 됩니다.
Question 21 - 장차 같이 살게 될 주소와 6/04/2011 to Present 이 맞습니다.
Question 22 - will apply 입니다. 과거의 주소지는 필요없습니다.
그 다음의 질문은 해당사항이 없습니다 N/A 라고 하세요.
2) I-765
Question 11 - 실제로 받은 E/A 카드만 카피하여 보내면 됩니다.
Question 16 - 맞습니다.
G-325 - 4부를 보냅니다.
작성한 서류는 모두 한꺼번에 Chicago Lock Box 로 보냅니다.
주의하세요, I-130 을 따로 보내면 안됩니다.
우선 I-485 instruction을 한번 더 읽어보세요. 보낼 곳의 주소가 적혀있습니다.
Cover sheet 는 없어도 되지만 첨부하기를 강력히 권하고 있습니다. 첨부한 서류들의 목록표와 함께 작성하여 보내십시오.

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