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Q.벌금티켓 법원출석일

지역California 아이디l**e560****
조회1,394 공감0 작성일1/1/2018 12:18:44 PM
근데 법원출석일은 벌금 통지서에 나와있다고하던데..통지서가 전주소로 가서 못받은경우엔 법원 출석일 날짜를 어떻게 알아볼수있는지...ㅜㅜ


* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

서보천 님 답변 [자동차] 답변일 1/1/2018 1:09:58 PM
일반적으로 법원 출석일은 받으신 티켓에 기록되어 있습니다.

서보천 [자동차]

직업 목사, 교수, 법무사, 운전강사

이메일 bocheonseo@gmail.com

전화 310-951-3153

회원 답변글
C**scoi**** 님 답변 답변일 1/1/2018 9:12:48 PM
Hi, there was a case, is very rare, but One time i lost the entire ticket book so no tickets went to the court. But, on your ticket, the green copy of the ticket will go to court and you will get a white one , if you were caught by lapd. The ticket date is always scheduled by the court. The scheduled date is given by the officer either it is provided behind the officer 's ticket book or asking the operator for the correct date. When you were getting a ticket, it is more than likely that you did not tell the officer about your new address. However, you don't have to worry too much, just go to the court , in Los Angeles is in 1945 s hill st, and tell the court clerk that you had lost the ticket and you are here to pay the fine ( even the court has already issued a warrant for your arrest) If your court date has not been expired, just pay the fine and ask for a traffic school. If the the court date has expired, the court clerk may ask you to see a court judge, where only the judge can dismiss your ticket. If they tell you that you had to stand in front of judge. On that situation, it is even better because you can ask the judge to reduce your fine and go to the traffic school. Sometimes, it could be judge's choice to reduce the fine or go to the traffic school. Sometimes the judge will both fine you and let you go to to a traffic school. If he does that, even you go to a traffic school, perhaps as part of your fine your driver's license still shows your violation; therefore, you could still had one point in your driver's license
Record. Good luck

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