Hi, Mr. Suh is right ... however you can also go to DMV or AAA get a car registration done and then go to CHP where what they do is to stamp the ticket that you have completed registration then you still have to go to the court and oa
C**scoi****님 답변답변일12/28/2017 11:27:04 AM
C**scoi****님 답변답변일12/28/2017 11:37:10 AM
continued... I am hard to put the news there: go to court and still have pay the fine and correct the ticket (violation); otherwise, if you just go to CHP and not got to court, a warrant would be issued to you or your car or both by court and if you get stop for some reason and the police officer may arrested you. But you can go to DMV or AAA and get the car registered and go directly to the court and pay the ticket so you could save $25. Since what you got is a "fixed" ticket, 4000 VC ( California vehicle code )so it you will not get a point but your driver license will have a record of 4000 VC. Good luck