Q.SSI수혜자 CA Golden State Stimulus나왔나요
작성일6/3/2021 11:49:24 PM
혹시 ssi수혜자 여러분들 GSS 600불 받으셨나요?지금 어떤 상황인지 아시는 분 계시면 가르쳐 주세요...이것 맞나요
Golden State Grant (GSG) and SSI/SSP Recipients
Recent California legislation authorized a one-time supplemental SSP payment in the amount of $600 to SSI/SSP recipients to provide relief from hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Payments in the amount of $600 will be automatically mailed out based on zip code. Recipients can expect to receive their payment based on the following schedule:
Week Of: Zip Code Range:
05/24/2021 00000 - 91204
06/01/2021 91205 - 92114
06/07/2021 92115 - 93304
06/14/2021 93305 - 95034
06/21/2021 95035 - 99999