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지역Virginia 아이디r**on****
조회1,065 공감0 작성일2/18/2013 8:32:52 PM
receving date was June 11th 2012...Finally it is approved @ Feb 15th...It took 8 months....My mom lives in korea...she need to visit USA on April for my brother's wedding. Do I need to hold next step for a whil? or while her document under processing, can she still visit here?

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

우시영 님 답변 [이민/비자] 답변일 2/19/2013 9:23:15 AM
She may try with Visa Waiver Program to visit USA. Please make sure that she has a return trip ticket and that she always disclose the fact that an immigration petition is approved for her whenever questioned and she will apply for the immigrant visa outside the US.

우시영 [이민/비자]

직업 변호사

이메일 seayoung.woo@gmail.com

전화 703-941-7395

회원 답변글
r**on**** 님 답변 답변일 2/19/2013 10:43:24 PM
Thank you so much for the kin answer.

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