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Q.Non-Filer 정보입력 관련(Get My Payment) Error정정에 대한 문의

지역California 아이디777****
조회1,150 공감0 작성일5/12/2020 7:08:26 AM

Get My Payment 사이트에 은행정보 및 택스리턴 정보를 입력하고 submit하고 나니 IRS로부터 아래와 같은 에러 내용에 대해 정정해서 다시 보내라는 메일을 받앋습니다. 어떤 내용이 잘못 입력되었다는 것인지 도움부탁드립니다.

Then sign in to your Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info account at https://www.freefilefillableforms.com/#/fd/EconomicImpactPayment Fix your error(s) and submit your return again. Be sure to re-enter the date in the Step 2 tab of Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info.

If you are unable to resolve the error(s), you can print and submit your tax return to the IRS by mail.

Here is your error(s):
Issue      : Business Rule R0000-902-01 - Taxpayer TIN in the Return Header must not be the same as a TIN of a previously accepted electronic return for the return type and tax period indicated in the tax return.

The following information may help you determine the form at issue:
Field/Xpath: /efile:Return/efile:ReturnHeader/efile:Filer/efile:PrimarySSN


* 등록된 총 답변수 0개입니다. 첫번째 답변을 달아주세요.

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