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Q.contempt action

지역Illinois 아이디(비공개)
조회3,235 공감0 작성일9/18/2013 9:23:51 PM
전남편으로부터 spousal support에 대한 지급이 안될때

법원에서 지급명령을 신청하려면 어떻게 해야하죠?

걸리는 시간이나 변호사 비용 등 좀 알려주세요

계속 지급거절하면 벌금이나 수감등 조치도 가능한가요?

스몰클레임으로 해결은 안되는건지..

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

쟌 오 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 9/19/2013 7:34:31 AM
For spousal support issues, you have to file a contempt motion with the family law court where you received your divorce. It is possible to get a contempt order. It is also possible to garnish his wages or even have his driver's license suspended.

The time and fee will differ depending on the court and attorney. Generally, it will take couple of months to get a motion date and fees can range from $1,000 to $3,000.

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