Q.IRS에서 이런 메일을 보내나요
작성일2/22/2013 8:44:09 AM
안녕하세요? 세금보고를 개인이 하고 난후 연방이나 주정부나 다 억셉트 되었다고 했는데 며칠후 이런 이멜이 왔는데 이런 메일을 주정부나 IRS에서 보내는지요? 들어가보면 SSN랑 쳐넣라고 해서 혹시 피싱메일인가해서요?
Your Georgia Individual Income Tax refund has been suspended
We have implemented tighter security measures this year to protect you and other Georgians from identity fraud. This year we require additional information regarding your return.
Please visit our website at https://gtc.dor.ga.gov and click on the 'Take identity verification quiz' link to answer a few short questions so that we can verify your identity and release your refund. Should you need to speak with someone after taking the quiz, or if you do not have access to the internet, please call 1-888-861-1580.
Please use the Letter id: L***** for your quiz.