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지역California 아이디v**11****
조회773 공감0 작성일3/5/2010 9:40:18 PM
This year, my husband said that turbo system didn't allow him any tax return but instead requested him to pay the tax.

Could you please advice what could be going on here?

Should he consult CPA or is there a law change in tax system?
Because every year he got some tax returns, every year !!


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
t**612**** 님 답변 답변일 3/6/2010 6:38:56 AM
" This year, my husband said that turbo system didn't allow him any tax return but instead requested him to pay the tax.Could you please advice what could be going on here?"---What about'em??????? probably, as u've heard of it, TURBO-TAX SOFTWARE( JUST PLAIN IND.INCOME TAX RTURN) b widely known as a FRAKIN' PIECE OF CAKE. if anybody could do it, u could do it. MAny people recommend othersTURBO TAX highly u noe. TURBOTAX IS SO DETAILED AND EASY software system. Just go aahead and double check what uguys did.
" Should he consult CPA or is there a law change in tax system?"--- yes. as u can c. year by year, not only individual but even business(corp.) tax law or rules r subject to change accordin' 2 genral economic (macro- or micro- i guess) conditions or situation by the US senate( under the fiscal policy change i guess). And i m sure that ur e-tax return filing system, TB-TAX, MUST have already reflected those ind. income tax rule changes for 2009-2010; OR u can visit IRS web-site, WWW. IRS.GOVand check the tax rule changes 4 the tax year of 2010 or whatever u want.
"Because every year he got some tax returns, every year !!"---- Gettin' tax retun every single yr. doen't necessarily mean that u r always subject 2 ur income tax refund.it absolutely depends on each annual tax income tax return situation(specific) that u guys face each tax year.

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