Q.Death of the Alternate Payee or Participant
작성일1/19/2014 4:42:28 AM
도움 주실분께 미리감사드립니다
얼마전에 받은 편지 내역인데 제가 제대로해석했는지 궁금해서요
해석해주심 고맙겠습니다
If the Participant predeceases the Alternate Payee prior to commencement
of benefits,The Alternate payee's benefit described above will not be payable. However, The Alternate payee will be treated as the surviving spouse for the purpose of the Qualified Pre-retirement Survivor Anuuity(QPSA) with respect to the Alternate payees QDRO awarded benefit share through Participant's date of death. QPSA benefits with respect to the remainder of the Participant's accrued benefits would be available to any other eligible spouse or former spouse of the Participant.