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Q.아파트 지배인이 쓰레기를 뒤진후 warning nortice를 보냈는데...

지역California 아이디e**zo****
조회1,919 공감0 작성일4/26/2010 8:56:36 PM
I live in a apt complex. I received a warning notice from management, regarding trash in the dumpsters. I asked around and was curious how they knew it was my trash. I was told that the property manager himself went through my trash with gloves and all. My question is can they go through my trash at anytime? Was also told that this is going to be a once a week thing. I dont feel comfortable knowing people are going through my stuff even though is trash is my trash!!!!!!

Is searching through trash legal?

Glendale, Ca,


* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.

허성욱 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 5/2/2010 1:39:53 PM
Your garbage has no constitutional right to privacy once it is placed in a communal trash bin.
회원 답변글
k**041**** 님 답변 답변일 4/26/2010 10:25:49 PM
I dont feel comfortable 이라고 하셨는데, 쓰레기통 뒤지는 메니저가 more uncomfortable 할것 같군요.
워닝 노티스를 받았다면, 거기 나와 있는대로, 시정하세요. 그러면 간단한 일입니다.
4**ki**** 님 답변 답변일 4/27/2010 8:20:47 AM
Searching trash is not illegal to check whether there is any hazardous material for safety. In fact, trash collecting companeys ask not to put any hazaedous material such as pain or oil.. However, trash is trash. if you feel someone searches your trash for your information, destory them all before you put them into trash!
x**linu**** 님 답변 답변일 4/28/2010 1:27:57 AM
I wonder what you have been doing wrong to receive a warning. If there are rules to follow especially in an apartment complex where there are other people living in the same building, you should do your best to honor those rules. It is funny how you came here to find an answer to your "uncomfortable" question. Your own inconsierate acts have caused the apartment manager's unnecessary searching through your trash. I am sure the manager was not after your credit card or bank account numbers. What are you so uncomfortable about? Please think again as to who is to be blamed.

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