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Q.online fraud.

지역Maryland 아이디a**oommapowe****
조회1,176 공감0 작성일5/19/2010 1:14:49 PM
We needed to buy a 60quart mixer for our bakery. So we went to eBay to find one and buy it. so we did on eBay we bought the mixer and the person who we bought it from wanted a deposit of $100s by PayPal than a bank transfer of $2450 from the total of $2580 for the mixer. So that’s what we did. All the transaction was done and money was received by the seller. By email he tells us that he sent the mixer, but we never received it. So after about a month we waited for the item, we asked for a refund. When we asked for a refund, he tells us that he forgot to tell us that the mixer was damaged during shipping. So from there we asked for a refund again and he said ok. So we gave him our address to mail the refund check to. We waited for the check but it never arrives. We try to contact him by email and phone but he would not respond to our calls and messages. It has been about two months since we tried to buy it.
We are thinking of going to a law office to sue him tomorrow. We have his phone number and email address and an invoice of the mixer we paid for. We also have the address of the location of the company. i live in Maryland and the seller is at California How should we do this at the law office and for what should we sue him for. Please help us. Thank you

* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

허성욱 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 5/19/2010 1:42:45 PM
Have you contacted eBay regarding the transaction? It is my understanding that they do offer some protections and investigation into buyer-seller issues: http://pages.ebay.com/help/buy/report-trading.html

If eBay can resolve it, it will be a lot cheaper than having to use an attorney. If you end up suing, it would be for breach of contract and fraud.

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