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Q.background check

지역California 아이디v**11****
조회608 공감0 작성일7/25/2010 8:10:11 PM
One of the main financial company ran a background check on me and when the company sent me a copy of the big file, the envelope was not sealed.

There exposing all my documents that you can imagine.

I was upset and felt like suing but have not done so yet.

Please advise me what I'd gain from suing this company.


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

회원 답변글
t**612**** 님 답변 답변일 7/28/2010 5:28:40 AM
QUOTE," One of the main financial company ran a background check on me. . . "-- Yo bud, well I don't understand about ur situation, but as far as I noe, to run a bacjground check on u as a prospective employee or employee to be is NOT technically illegal!! Under Constitutional Laws the Freedom of Information Act and the Patriot Act they as can run a back-round check on u. BUT they must do it for the right reasons. they must also be aware of Limitations to whom they are looking up, for example if they run a back-round check on a new employee that is legal but if they want to run a check on someone just for fun that is illegal and they can have either be detained or fined or both. having to get a back-round check on someone is very pricey and could take up to a week.

A background credit check is a great tool for a lender, but also it's a great thing for the borrower if they have good credit. It is the main thing a lender uses to decide a loan.
hope this helps, bud~~~~~~~

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