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Q.car insuarnace

지역California 아이디k**oneko32****
조회970 공감0 작성일9/17/2010 12:27:30 PM
hello, I would be appreciated if you can give me some advice on this matter. I sold my car in august but I had insuarnace since june and I thought I didnt have to pay insuarance fee because I sold car already. but the insuarance company keep sending bill statement and they ask to me pay bill for the period that I had car before i sold it. however, i didnt have accident and they didnt do nothing about it. so my question is do I still have to pay for the insuarance?
I dint think it is necessary to pay for it .
i need some opinion of yours, please.
thank you very much.
ps. i cant type in korean with my new computer but i can read in korean if you answer in korean.

* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

쟌 오 님 답변 [법률상담] 답변일 9/17/2010 2:11:58 PM
Unless you notify your insurance that you want to stop the coverage, they will have no idea that you sold your car. So, if you failed to notify them and terminate the coverage, you are responsible to pay.
회원 답변글
m**ev**** 님 답변 답변일 9/17/2010 1:17:21 PM
You have obligation to pay the insurance premium for the period you had your car, which is through August. I have not had any accident last 20 years but I've been paying insurance premium every single month.

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