다른 분들에 비해 답변을 잘 하시는 것같은데요 아래 글 번호20004에 대한 답을 좀 해 주시죠. summon을 받아서 코트에 이달 말에 가야 하거든요. 가게를 얼마나 길게 운영하고 안하고의 문제가 아니거든요.
* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.
쟌 오 님 답변 [법률상담]답변일9/24/2010 9:13:35 PM
I am not sure what you are asking. If you are not in California, my advice does NOT apply because the laws in different States are different. Generally, eviction cases move lot faster. According to you earlier question, it doesn't appear you have any legal defense. But filin an answer with the court buys you extra time. If you file for bankruptcy, it will allow for more time. Hope this helps.